In this work, author Ted Even endeavors to show that the disagreeing intellectuals/skeptics of the past only serve to reinforce Christ’s radical statement about our need to just “become like little children” in order to discover the spiritual truth and that literally everyone has the same opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven on that basis.

Tired of seeking, and not finding the real answers that you need? Welcome to “Truth Finders” website, where we embrace difficult questions and even answer many common objections to biblical Christianity. As an author who has diligently studied the Bible and other sources for over 40 years, I invite you to explore with me and delve into the many deep mysteries of God’s word which have confused skeptics. Through our shared experience together, it is my hope that you will not only find the real answers you need, but also meet the real biblical Jesus who loves you more than you may know!


Author Ted Even found genuine hope when he decided to give Christ a chance and become a Bible-believing Christian at 18. During the last forty years after his conversion, he actively studied the Holy Bible (as well as other sources). In his book “Answers for the honest skeptic”, Ted Even shares what he has learned by addressing the 85 most common criticisms of biblical Christianity that skeptics have raised.


The Simple Discovery of Spiritual Truth
In his four-part series “Answers for the Honest Skeptic”, Ted Even aids the honest skeptic in their search for spiritual truth by answering 85 common objections to biblical Christianity which many skeptics have wrestled with. Ted Even shows just how easily one really can discover the solid spiritual truth as even the seemingly difficult questions are answered objectively with overwhelming honest evidence throughout his book series.

Ever Wonder Why “Aliens” Have Been So Alien Throughout Recorded Human History?
Ever wonder why outer space “alien beings” only started to emerge in the historical records of man during the 1900’s after the theory of evolution was largely popularized by Charles Darwin in the late 1800’s?

If God Is Perfect and Loving, And Created Everything, Then Why Did He Create Evil?
Many may ask, if God created everything, and is always good and loving, then why did he create evil? But did you know this common question has a major false assumption built right into it, and cannot be given a reasonable answer because of that? Why?